Meeting of the Catalan, Spanish, Swedish Math Societies, special session in homotopy theory

at.algebraic-topology gt.geometric-topology
Start Date
End Date
University of UmeÃ¥ 
Meeting Type
special session 
Contact Name
Tilman Bauer, Natalia Castellana 


Meeting of the Catalan, Spanish, Swedish Math Societies (CAT-SP-SW-MATH)

A joint Meeting of the Catalan, Spanish, Swedish Math Societies (CAT-SP-SW-MATH) will be held in Umeå (Sweden) from 12th to 15th June 2017.

The meeting is a symposium devoted to mathematics at large. The conference is thought as a meeting point between the different areas of mathematics and its applications.

The programme will consist of several plenary lectures, covering a wide range of areas of mathematics, and special sessions devoted to a single topic or area of mathematics.

There is going to be a special session in homotopy theory, chaired by Natalia Castellana and Tilman Bauer, with the following speakers:

Alexander Berglund: Rational homotopy theory of automorphisms of manifolds Federico Cantero: Rational homotopy theory of Thom spaces Cristina Costoya: Polyhedral products in Kahn’s Realizability Problem Felix Wierstra: Hopf invariants in rational homotopy theory Kiko Belchí: Persistent homology: from Stasheff to the hospital Antonio Viruel: On the realizability of group actions Albert Ruiz: On the classification of p-local compact groups over a fixed dis- crete p-toral group Magnus Carlson: Higher obstructions to the embedding problem in Galois theory Carlos Sáez:Finite subgroups of diffeomorphisms of 4-manifolds Thomas Kragh: Waldhausens K-theory of spaces and exact Lagrangian submanifolds Ramón Flores: Burnside groups and idempotent transformations of groups

Conference web page

Everybody is welcome to attend, whether Catalan-Spanish-Swedish or not.


If you notice a problem with this entry, please contact the curators by email.